Birth Certificate for Lambertus Halsema: Translation

by Lucy Verlaan

In the year 1838, the 20th of the month of November in the morning at 11 o’clock appeared before us assessor/clerk of the village of Leens judicial district Appingedam, province of Groningen, Julle Eissess Halsema, age 41 years old, profession farmer, living in Mensingeweer who has declared, that on the 19th of November in the year 1838 (eighteen hundred thirty-eight) in the morning a 3:00 o’clock at mensingeweer, in this village a child has been born of the male gender to whom the name Lambertus will be given and whose parents are Julle Eisses Halsema and Gezina Harmanne S. Boerma, his spouse, living at Mensingeweer.

The announcement (of the birth) and declaration has taken place in the presence of Eltje Jacabous Wiersum, age 62, profession “retired” living in Mensingeweer and of William Fokkes Fokkkens, age 69, profession day-laborer living in Mensingeweer, who are witnesses chosen by the above parents.

We have immediately taken note of this and recorded it in both doubles of the birth register of this township.

This notice has been read to the father and the first-named witness and is signed by them and me.

The last named witness did not sign as he was unable to write: never having learned to.

The aforementioned Assessor

Signature: J. E. Halsema (father)

E.J. Wiersum (witness)