Roque Leonardi Early Florida Census Records

by: editors

The census images below are from microfilms I copied at the Saint Augustine Historical Research Society Library, 6 Artillery Lane on the corner of Aviles Street and Artillery Lane.

1784 Census:
St Augustine:
Natural del Ducado del Granela en Italia {one word is crossed out under Granela.–DGH } Roque Leonadi: Native of Dukedom of Granela in Italy, Catholic Apolostic Roman, he avails himself of Spanish Protection and abides by the Memorial which he presented to the Governor for His Majesty. He has a wiufe and three sons (or children). he has 2 and 1/2 acres of land with a house of boards on it. His property as evidenced by Bill of Sale under the hand of father Pedro camps, and in the city has another which is his with grounds that he inhabits in that part of the little plaza near to the Quarters. His occupation is Wine Merchant. He has five slaves, horses, cattle three cows. (Jarvis translation via Margarite Matthews –DGH>File>Midge>Leonardi)

1786 Census:
St Augustine:
Roque Leonardi, labrador, de Ytalia, 44 anos. (see also Rasico, p. 187)
(Margarite Matthews translation below)
Roque Leonardi farmer of Italy age 44.
Agueda Coll, his wife, of Minorca, age 36
Josepha Corolinda, daughter, of Mosquitos, age 11
Juan, son of this place, age 7
Bartolomeo, son of this place, age 5
Jacoba, daughter of this plce, age 5 months
Juan Chato, Son of said Agueda and another husband [DGH note: child’s name is Juan Baptista Castellvell], age 15
White men 4 [DGH]
White women 3 [DGH]
1 female negro slave, Catechumen
1 female negro slave, not baptized
Total 9 [DGH]

1787 Census:
St Augustine Census of Householders
D Roque Leonardy, Native of Modena in Italy; Catholic, has a wife, three sons, and two daughters; occupation, farmer; has one male slave, has four horses with plots of land on Medical Street and lives in one of them; has twelve horses; works about fifty acres and wants more; has a house and a shop in the city.(Mills, p. 49)

1793 Census:
St Augustine and North River

6a Calle Trabiesa [DGH note: The “T” in Trabiesa is made the same way the author makes his “J.”]

Entry #193

D. Roque Leonardy, son of Juan and of Jacoba Beaguonie, age 59
D. Agueda Coll, his wife, daughter of Bartolome and Josefa Ponz [DGH note: should be daughter of Josefa Sintes], age 41

Clorinda Josefa, their daughter, single, age 17
Juan, her brother, age {blank}
Bartolomeo, brother, age 9
Jacoba, sister, age 6
Margarita, sister, age 3
1 female slave, Catechumen
3 negro slaves, 1 baptized


Jarvis, Grace H, “Translation of 1784 Census,” GA Genealogical Mag., No. 39, Winter 1971.

Mills, Donna Rachal, Florida’s First Families, Vol.1, Mills Historical Press, Tuscaloosa AL, & Naples, FL, 1992.

Rasico, Philip D, El Llibre D’or Dels Menorquins De La Florida, Institut Menorqui’ d’Estudis, Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de las Illes Balears, 1998.