History of the Organ at St. Willibrordus in Kloosterburen

by: Cees Van Dam The church was built in 1869 and the ‘old’ Van-Oeckelen-organ from the former church was placed there. It was a small organ from Petrus van Oeckelen, built in 1848 (see below). The Van Oeckelen-family originated from Breda where Petrus’s father (Cornelis van Oeckelen; 1762-1837) was known as a watch and clock… Continue reading History of the Organ at St. Willibrordus in Kloosterburen

St. Willibrordus Catholic Church in Kloosterburen

by Auke van der Woud (1947-)Groningen:cultureel maandblad,ISSN 0011-2941vol. 16 (1974-1975), pp. 57-74;provided by Koos Halsematranslated by Anja Van Dam Nota Bene:a Waterstaat = Department of Public Works, i.e. department for the maintenance of buildings, dikes, roads, bridges and the navigability of canals.a kerk = churcha ƒ = Dutch guilder (=florijn=fl) The “Waterstaatskerk” and the neo-Gothic… Continue reading St. Willibrordus Catholic Church in Kloosterburen

The St. Willibrord at Kloosterburen: Waterstaat (1842) and Neo-gothic (1868/1869)

by Author: Auke van der Woud (1947-)Groningen:cultureel maandblad,ISSN 0011-2941vol. 16 (1974-1975), pp. 57-74;provided by: Koos Halsematranslated by John Ketelaars The decision to write this article came with the finding of a manuscript that contained the story of the building of the Neogothic St. Willibrord church at Kloosterburen, written by the rector who built it, Antonius… Continue reading The St. Willibrord at Kloosterburen: Waterstaat (1842) and Neo-gothic (1868/1869)

De St. Willibrordus te Kloosterburen: Waterstaat (1842) en Neogotiek (1868/1869)

by Auke van der Woud (1947-)Groningen:cultureel maandblad,ISSN 0011-2941vol. 16 (1974-1975), pp. 57-74;provided by: Koos Halsema Aanleiding tot het schrijven van dit artikel was het vinden van een manuscript dat het verhaal bevat van de bouw van de neogotische St. Willibroduskerk te Kloosterburen, geschreven door de pastoor die deze onderneming opgezet had, Antonius Kerkhof. In zijn… Continue reading De St. Willibrordus te Kloosterburen: Waterstaat (1842) en Neogotiek (1868/1869)

Chalice donated by Halsemas to the Catholic Church in Kloosterburen

by: Jacobus (Koos) Halsematranslation: John Ketelaars Koos writes: Today was open house at the RC church at Wehe-Den-Hoorn, the mother church of Kloosterburen. There was an exhibition of a chalice donated by the family Halsema. Here follows the description: “Chalice from 1820, made by Jan Emens of Eenrum, made of silver. Only the cup is… Continue reading Chalice donated by Halsemas to the Catholic Church in Kloosterburen

Division of the Catholic Parish of Kloosterburen

by: Koos HalsemaTranslation, John Ketelaars THE SEPARATION OF THE PARISH OF KLOOSTERBUREN The first time that a petition was made to separate Kloosterburen from the parish of Wehe-Den Hoorn was on 3 April 1819. The request was made by  Eise Reinjes Feddema, Jacob Jans Scholtens and Cornelis Willems Feddema, representing other landowners and inhabitants of… Continue reading Division of the Catholic Parish of Kloosterburen


by: Koos Halsema Het eerste rekest voor afscheiding van de parochie Wehe-Den Hoorn werd gedaan op 3 april 1819 door Eise Reinjes Feddema, Jacob Jans Scholtens en Cornelis Willems Feddema mede namens andere landeigenaren en ingezetenen van de gemeente Kloosterburen. Deze rekest werd verzonden aan Koning Willem I met het verzoek om een eenmalige subsidie… Continue reading DE AFSCHEIDING VAN KLOOSTERBUREN

History of the Catholic church in Kloosterburen

by: Halsema.org editors The Eighty Years War that started in 1568 lead to a schism with Spain and the founding of the Dutch State. Thus came to an end the Catholic Religion as the most important religion in may parts of our country. In the province of Groningen, the Catholic religion was virtually wiped out… Continue reading History of the Catholic church in Kloosterburen

History of the Farm

by: Julle Eisses Halsema about this essay, John Ketelaars comments:Lambertus emigrated to the US in 1866. We could speculate on why Julle Jans sold that farm in 1854. His oldest son, Harmannes, was 26 and his youngest daughter, Geziena, was 8. He had 7 sons, 5 of them over 16 years of age. Nieuwe Meren… Continue reading History of the Farm

History of the Groningen Villages

by: halsema.org editors. Geschiedenis van het grondgebied: De gemeente De Marne ligt in het Noordwesten van de provincie Groningen. Zij is als gevolg van de gemeentelijke herindeling per 1 januari 1990 ontstaan uit de voormalige gemeenten Leens, Eenrum, Ulrum en Kloosterburen. De zuidgrens van de gemeente wordt gevormd door het Reitdiep, door het Lauwersmeer loopt… Continue reading History of the Groningen Villages